Bears to Sustain Control with Drop Further to $0.016270 for Tron (TRX)

Tron (TRX) Price Analysis

Tron was traded at $0.020300 dated November 14, 2019, with the uptrend. The coin was dropped by 8.32%, and it reached $0.018294. The next major drop was observed on November 19, 2019 which was 13.52%, and the TRX coin price reached as low as $0.016462. The present trend also points that it is going to fall further from here on.

Tron Price Analysis:

If we analyze the cost of Tron since yesterday, present trend is negative by 5.13%. TRX may reach around $0.016270 shortly. In a week’s time it can get traded at $0.0217614.
We suggest you hold the existing coins at the moment, purchase of new ones can be made after waiting for a couple of days. The past 7 days’ analysis shows that bears have gained hold from November 18, 2019 till present date. TRX price may go to its immediate resistance $0.018 soon. Short-term trading on Tron may not be that effective.

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